Track & Wiring - MRWAIN

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laying track
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Let the fun and games begin.
Commenced work on laying track, albeit, only a little portion as part of the gantry crane scene.
With detail added the sleepers are covered and only the rail is visuable.
I do something a little different to the norm with my layouts and never have a track plan in advance.
I build the track layout as I go, deciding what goes where purely on my imagination at the time.

Once the physical track is in place I can then commence design work of the switchboard.

Old gantry crane

Acknowledge G. T. Galyon, Olde Newburgh Model RR Club
for the excellent document and video's shown here.

Double Crossover Wiring
Double Slip Wiring
Hand laying track has its plus & minus's
My first layout was a mushroom design: had never built a model railway layout before and I certainly jumped in the deep end.
The size of the shed was 6mX6m(approx. 20x20 feet) and I knew there was a lot of track and points(turnouts) required.
I came across Fast Tracks on the internet and decided to build my own switch's and crossovers to save money. On reflection, bad decision.
So, off I went and purchased a variety of templates, double crossover, double slip, left/right points, straight/curved and all the associated tools like pointforms.
The actual number I ended up building did not cover the purchasing cost from Fast Tracks as the house was sold and the layout destroyed.

Bought a lot, and I mean a lot of Micro Engineering flex track from America. HO code 83 weathered. The ME track was rubbish, see photo >>>>
You could not curve the track without this happening, and ME promote it as flex track.
When building your own switches it takes time, especially when you are a newbie and learning.
If you are going to have a large layout with a lot of switching then making your own points is probably a cost effective decision.
For me, cost savings is not the important thing, time is. What value do you place on your time? For me a lot.

With the benefit of hindsight I spent too much time working with Fast Tracks leaving very little for the rest of the layout construction.
I'm using Peco track on my current layout and all points etc will be commercially more hand made.
Have a range of Fast Track items sitting on the shelf: they will find a home one day.

Created using Website X5 Pro
Model Railway
This website is a digitally designed platform that offers an overview of my model railway.
For technical discussions and projects please refer to the Blog which will be operational soon.
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