Computer Controlled Model Railway
Arguably in my opinion combining Digitrax and TrainController achieves the best possible outcome in building and running a computer based model railway.
- Digitrax's LocoNet encompasses all aspects of train control and layout command control within a single integrated system. This includes track-level control of locomotives, rolling stock functions (such as lights and sounds), turnout control, block detection, signaling, and transponding.
- TrainController is model railway control software providing full interlocking—switching routes, setting signals, and halting trains to prevent collisions.
MRWAIN is where Digitrax meets TrainController
Komm mit auf die Reise
An insight into MRWAIN
Version 1 was a mushroom design (large).
Version 2 was a walk-in around the room type thingy.
Version 3 was a large shelf design.
Version 4 due to lack of space will be the smallest of them all: A loop with an unusual turntable thrown in.
This will be my fourth version of MRWAIN as the three previous versions were never completed due to moving house a number of times.
Reminds me of Ground Hog Day, the movie.
I have placed a photo gallery of V3, an incomplete shelf design on the website for your interest.
Version four of the layout will be totally different from my previous layouts and my focus (it could change, unlikely though) will be purely on computer run train(s) with scenery and buildings being added a long last.
I have been diverted too many times into scenery etc which I like building at the detriment of the computer side of the railway and it's not going to happen this time.
Like the layout this website is a work in progress and will grow. The website will have very little technical detail, the Blog will handle that aspect.
Australia's energy policy dictated by ideology
Reasoning behind MRWAIN
Hi, my name is Jim and I welcome you to my website.
During my working life I was employed in a number of disciplines, one being computer networking.
Now retired I decided to construct a model railway with an underlying reason guiding my decision....Computer Control.
Digitrax (because of its LocoNet architecture) was a given for my choice of DCC manufacturer.
LocoNet is a Digitrax communications protocol used to connect devices including computers, BDL168 LocoNet Occupancy Detectors, SE8C Signal Decoders etc in a wired or wireless network.
LocoNet is arguably in my opinion the best combination of DCC and TrainController™ in achieving the best desirable outcome for the automated computer control of MRWAIN.
It is important to choose a system architecture that is ready to provide everything you need to run both your trains and your layout today and in the future as you decide to add new features.
MRWAIN the name, how it came about!
When the time came to name the railway I was confused, puzzled, perplexed and certainly stumped.
The railway represents nothing more than imagination and long hours of dedication.
It's a mongrel railway with a mixture of American and Australian outline and represents no particular location or era in time.
So it had to be:"MRWAIN"...Model Railway Without An Interesting Name.
Unique and one off...designed and built by yours truly
Opposite left is an old gantry crane created using a 3D printer and below left is not your normal turntable.
I like being different and as my logo says ...."Thinking outside the box".
Anybody can build a turntable: all that's needed is imagination, some bits of stuff laying around and as my logo says:
“think outside the box”.
There it's done...not really. I just happened to have the right bits from my RC helicopter laying around but most model railway enthusiasts I feel have the ability to produce one.
mrwain gantry crane
Website under construction